Asta: 538 / 19th Century Art del 10 giugno 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 604

Johann Friedrich Boeck
(zugeschrieben) Segelboot im Abendlicht, Um 1840.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,080 / $ 5,588

( commissione inclusa)
(zugeschrieben) Segelboot im Abendlicht. Um 1840.
Oil on canvas.
22 x 27.5 cm (8.6 x 10.8 in).

We are grateful to Mr Matthias Lehmann, Konz-Könen, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Collection Wolfgang Jess (1885- missing in 1945), Dresden (acquired in the 1920s from a Dresden art dealer).
Wolfgang Jess Estate (ever sice family-owned).

Johann Friedrich Boeck shares the Greifswald origin with the much more famous Caspar David Friedrich, who was born 37 years earlier. Like Friedrich, he received his first lessons from the academic drawing teacher Johann Gottfried Quistorp, who then recommended him to study at the Berlin Academy of Arts. In the early 1830s, he returned to Greifswald and settled there as a painter. Through the acquaintance with the Friedrich family, he was intensively occupied with his paintings, practiced by copying Friedrich's motifs and technique and created his own paintings of primarily harbor and sea motifs. In the soft evening light, Boeck's landscape shows a view over a wide river valley; he effectively hides the sun behind the sail and the rigging, which are depicted in the finest brushwork. Less heavy with meaning than, for example, Friedrich's "Lebensstufen" from 1835, Boeck targets at an atmospheric depiction supported by a harmonious color composition. [KT]

Johann Friedrich Boeck
(zugeschrieben) Segelboot im Abendlicht, Um 1840.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,080 / $ 5,588

( commissione inclusa)