Asta: 532 / 19th Century Art del 10 dicembre 2022 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 342

Karl Hagemeister
Waldinneres – Birkenstämme im Herbststurm, Um 1912.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)
Waldinneres – Birkenstämme im Herbststurm. Um 1912.
Oil on canvas.
Warmt G 481 (2015: G 483). Verso of the stretcher with a hand-written number. 67.5 x 45 cm (26.5 x 17.7 in).

Accompanied by an expertise issued by Dr. Hendrikje Warmt, Karl Hagemeister Archive & catalogue raisonné, Berlin, July 2015.

PROVENANCE: Collection Alfred Daugs, Berlin (1975)
Private collection Lower Saxony.

Hagemeister’s work revolves around the forests and lakes of his native Havelland in northern Germany. The gentle movement of trees, leaves and grass lends his works a special meditative mood. Derived from the immediate experience of nature, Hagemeister’s artistic expression is fully committed to the experience of the natural world. His landscapes dispense with any detailed descriptions or artfully arranged compositions. Spontaneous and intuitive, his broad brushstrokes testify to an immediacy that reflects the atmosphere he perceives in front of the motif. Hagemeister’s painting process is nevertheless born from a contemplative approach, as he describes himself: “When I go out into nature, I never sit down and paint straight away, even if it is a spot that I know very well. Instead, I let the environment sink in for a while, allowing it to saturate all my senses with the ambient mood surrounding me. Once I have absorbed the basic note, I capture it on the canvas in the form of the main color scheme. This foundation remains the dominant element around which I construct the whole painting (Karl Hagemeister, in: Hendrikje Warmt, Hagemeister, Berlin 2016, p. 29). From the 1880s onwards, Hagemeister’s works can be attributed to the tradition of plein air painting. Evolving gradually over the course of the 19th century, the plein air approach focused on a new concept of landscape painting that dispenses with academic motif- and technique-based traditions. In the course of his work, the artist increasingly dissociated color and form from the motif, transforming them into pure expression. [KT]

Karl Hagemeister
Waldinneres – Birkenstämme im Herbststurm, Um 1912.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)