Asta: 528 / Modern Art del 11 giugno 2022 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 460

Otto Dix
Blick auf Öhningen und Stein am Rhein, 1947.
Olio su tela
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 37,500 / $ 41,250

( commissione inclusa)
Blick auf Öhningen und Stein am Rhein. 1947.
Oil on canvas.
Lower right monogrammed and dated. 53 x 87 cm (20.8 x 34.2 in).
Letter from the artist, Otto Dix Foundation, Vaduz, information from Rainer Pfefferkorn 2008: "10. Januar 1948. Sehr geehrter Herr Altheer! Für die vielen Freundlichkeiten, die Sie mir im vergangenen Jahr erwiesen haben, erlaube ich mir Ihnen diese Landschaft 'Blick auf Stein am Rhein' zu dezidieren. Ich wünsche Ihnen nachträglich ein gutes Neues Jahr. Ihr ergebener Otto Dix". [AM].
• A depiction characterized by particularly brilliant colors.
• Otto Dix made several drawings of the landscape near his residence in Hemmenhofen on Lake Constance as early as in 1938.
• After he had returned from French war captivity in 1946, Dix settled on Lake Constance anew and also captured the surroundings from this striking perspective

The painting is listed at the Otto-Dix Foundation with the work number 1947/46.

PROVENANCE: Heinrich Altheer (present from the artist in 1948).
Private collection Lake Constance (inherited from the above).
Private collection Switzerland.
Private collection (acquired in 2010).
Private collection Southern Germany.

LITERATURE: Auction house Geble, Radolfzell, auction on March 18, 2006.
Dobiaschofsky Auktionen AG, Bern, auction on November 12, 2010, lot 512 (with illu.).

Otto Dix
Blick auf Öhningen und Stein am Rhein, 1947.
Olio su tela
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 37,500 / $ 41,250

( commissione inclusa)