Asta: 486 / Art of the 20/21 Century III del 08 giugno 2019 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 315

Gerhard Hoehme
Mehrebenenfenster (4-teilig), 1964.
Acrilico su tela
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000

( commissione inclusa)
Mehrebenenfenster (4-teilig). 1964.
Acrylic on canvas on panel. Four canvasses originally mounted in painted wooden frame.
Hoehme 64-10. Each canvas signed, dated, titled and inscribed on verso. Total dimensions: 85 x 67 cm (33.4 x 26.3 in) . [JS].

PROVENANCE: Private collection Rhineland.

EXHIBITION: Gerhard Hoehme, Städtische Kunstgalerie, Bochum (with label on stretcher); Stadtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim; Kunstverein Freiburg im Breisgau, 1964, cat. no. 59.
Gerhard Hoehme, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin 1965, cat. no. 70, with illu.
Gerhard Hoehme. Bilder und Objekte, Museum Ulm 1967, cat. no. 32.
Informel. Götz, Schultze, Hoehme, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund 1980, cat. no. 88, with illu. in black-and-white on p. 102 (with shipping label on the stretcher).
Zur italienischen Kunst nach 1945, Frankfurter Westand-Galerie, Frankfurt a. M. 1981, with black-and-white illu. on p. 121.

LITERATURE: U.Sch., Unsere Akademie: Professor Hoehme, in: Düsseldorfer Hefte, 10. 1966, issue 24, with illu. in black-and-white on p. 22.
G. Hoehme, Rome, no date [1970], with illu.
Gerhard Hoehme, Galerie Hennemann, catalog no. 10, Bonn 1976, with illu. in black-and-white.
G. C. Argan and H.P. Thurn, Gerhard Hoehme. Werk und Zeit 1948-1983, Stuttgart 1948-1083, Stuttgart and Zürich 1983, with illu. on p. 137.

Gerhard Hoehme
Mehrebenenfenster (4-teilig), 1964.
Acrilico su tela
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000

( commissione inclusa)