Asta: 479 / Classics of the 20th Century I del 08 dicembre 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 824

Karl Hofer
Zwei Frauen mit Lautenspieler, 1940.
Olio su tela
€ 120,000 / $ 132,000
€ 116,250 / $ 127,875

( commissione inclusa)
Zwei Frauen mit Lautenspieler. 1940.
Oil on canvas.
Wohlert 1500. Lower left with monogram in ligature and date. 54 x 65 cm (21.2 x 25.5 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Northern Germany
Private collection Switzerland (acquired from aforementioned around 2003).

EXHIBITION: Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. Malerei aus Marburger Besitz - Malerei, Plasik, Zeichnung, University Museum Marburg (Lahn), August/September 1947.

LITERATURE: Richard Hamann, Original und Kopie, in: Marburger Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaften, 15.1949/50, p. 141 (illu.11), 142ff.
Frankfurter Rundschau, no. 236, October 10/11, 1953, p. 17 (illu.: Frauen u. Lautenspieler; with text).
"I never created my figuration guided by coincidence, which probably explains why I was not much touched by Impressionism and the ecstasy of Expressionism was not really my thing, either. Man and the humane always have and always will be subject of my art." (Karl Hofer: Aus Leben und Kunst, Berlin 1952, p. 30.)

Karl Hofer
Zwei Frauen mit Lautenspieler, 1940.
Olio su tela
€ 120,000 / $ 132,000
€ 116,250 / $ 127,875

( commissione inclusa)