Asta: 459 / Modern Art I del 09 dicembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 607

Max Liebermann
Seitlicher Blick in den Wannseegarten, Um 1923.
€ 24,000 / $ 26,400
€ 27,500 / $ 30,250

( commissione inclusa)
Seitlicher Blick in den Wannseegarten. Um 1923.
Color Pastel.
Signed in lower right. On brownish paper. 23 x 30 cm (9 x 11.8 in).
This work presumably served as model for the painting "Die Birkenalle im Wannseegarten nach Westen" (Eberle 1923/38).

This work’s authenticity has kindly been confirmed orally by Drs. Margreet Nouwen, Berlin. The work will be included into the forthcoming catalog raisonné of works on paper.

PROVENANCE: Collection Bruno and Sadie Adriani, Berlin and Monterey/California (the jurist and art collector Bruno Adriani was active as lawyer in Potsdam as of 1910. Over the years he compiled an extensive collections of paintings. After his move to Geneva at the end of 1930s and his emigration in 1936 he bequeathed a large part to the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco in the 1960s).
Rose Marie Chamberlin, Los Angeles (inherited from aforementioned).
Private collection Los Angeles (gifted from aforementioend between 1985 and 1989).

LITERATURE: Cf. Jenns Eric Howoldt and Uwe M. Schneede (editors), Im Garten von Max Liebermann, ex. cat. Hamburger Kunsthalle, 11 June - 26 September 2004 / Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 12 October 2004- 9 January 2005, Bonn/Berlin 2004.
"I could paint a hundred pictures here.." (quote after: Howoldt/Schneede, p. 63)

Max Liebermann
Seitlicher Blick in den Wannseegarten, Um 1923.
€ 24,000 / $ 26,400
€ 27,500 / $ 30,250

( commissione inclusa)