Asta: 457 / Modern Art II del 07 dicembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 4

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Knabenkopf, 1907.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 2,375 / $ 2,612

( commissione inclusa)
Knabenkopf. 1907.
Etching and aquatint.
Schapire R 3. Signed. Signed in the plate (mirror-inverted). On wove paper. 12.3 x 10.5 cm (4.8 x 4.1 in). Sheet: 45 x 32 cm ( 17,7 x 12,5 in).
Printed by Carl Sabo, Berlin. [EH].

In comparison with lithographs and woodcuts the etchings occupy a relatively small part in the artist's graphic oeuvre. Our sheet is particularly remarkable for two reasons. It is a very early work from 1907 and it is one of the few etchings that combines the etching technique with roulette and aquatint.

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Knabenkopf, 1907.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 2,375 / $ 2,612

( commissione inclusa)