Asta: 455 / Art of the 19th Century del 24 novembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 42

Thomas Theodor Heine
2 Bll.: Berliner Luderleben. Die Affenfregatte, 1907/1926.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

( commissione inclusa)
2 Bll.: Berliner Luderleben. Die Affenfregatte. 1907 /1926.
Pen and India ink drawing , partly with blue color pen.
Each monogrammedin left margin and with inscription. On firm paper. Up to 33.3 x 27.3 cm (13.1 x 10.7 in) , size of sheet.
One sheet inscribed on verso "Der Landwirt in der Großstadt" as well as with a label typographically inscribed in Swedish.
The draeing served as model for the illustration in the satirical weekly magazine: The "Berliner Luderleben" was released in 1907, vol. 11, issue 51, p. 823. The caption reads: "Begreife gar nicht, was die Provinzspießer immer zu nörgeln haben. Naturgemäßer kann man doch nirgends leben: wenn's Licht ausgemacht wird, gehen wir zu Bett, und wenn's angedreht wird, stehen wir auf."
The second sheet was released in 1926, vol. 31, issue 10, p. 138, as one of four illustration for the text "Die Affenfregatte" by Robert Neumann. [CB].

PROVENANCE: Private collection Southern Germany.

Thomas Theodor Heine
2 Bll.: Berliner Luderleben. Die Affenfregatte, 1907/1926.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

( commissione inclusa)