Asta: 455 / Art of the 19th Century del 24 novembre 2017 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 35

Artur Volkmann
Weibliche Porträtbüste I, Ca. 1890.
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)
Weibliche Porträtbüste I. Ca. 1890 s.
White Marble , slightly colored in places.
With the artist's name on rear of the base. Height: 40.5 cm (15.9 in). Base: 18 x 15 cm ( 7,1 x 5,9 in).

We are grateful to Dr. Anette Niethammer, Mötzingen, for her kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Saxony-Anhalt.

"I met Volkmann all well and merry and his art makes me outmostly happy; having to compare him, I'd say he is clearly ahead of Hildebrand."
Hans von Marées in a letter to his brother Georg from 9 October 1882, quote from: Anette Niethammer, Wie auf den Tag das Abendsonnenlicht. Hans von Marées‘ Meisterschüler Artur Volkmann (1851-1941), Nordhausen 2006, p. 64.

Artur Volkmann
Weibliche Porträtbüste I, Ca. 1890.
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)