Asta: 438 / Post War II del 09 dicembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 543

Sol LeWitt
Forms derived from a Cube, 1991.
Silkscreen in colors
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000

( commissione inclusa)
Forms derived from a Cube. 1991.
The portfolio comprising 12 Silkscreen in colors.
Online catalogue raisonné Sol LeWitt Prints 1991.15. Each signed and numbered. From an edition of 35 copies. On firm wove paper by Somerset (without watermark). Each 76.2 x 76.2 cm (30 x 30 in). Sheet: each 81,2 x 81,2 cm (31,9 x 31,9 in).
Printed by Keizo Tasaka, Watanabe Studios, New York. Published by Achenbach Graphics, Düsseldorf 1991.

Sol LeWitt
Forms derived from a Cube, 1991.
Silkscreen in colors
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000

( commissione inclusa)