Asta: 436 / Modern Art I del 10 dicembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 267

Otto Dix
Bodenseelandschaft, 1948.
Olio su tela
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)
Bodenseelandschaft. 1948.
Oil on canvas.
Lower right monogrammed and dated. 56 x 67.5 cm (22 x 26.5 in). [SM].

Accompanied by a written confirmation by Prof. Rainer Beck, Coswig, from November 2016. The work will be included into the new forthcoming catalog raisonné.

PROVENANCE: Collection Hermann Grathwohl, Singen/Mexico.
Private collection Mexico/Germany (inherited from aforementioned).

Since he settled in Hemmenhofen on Lake Constance in 1936 Otto Dix became increasingly interested in the landscape of the region. The depiction of the peaceful and inconspicuous landscape and the fact that he is able to extract what seems relevant to him speaks for his great artistic mastery, especially when considering that his previous mature achievements were realized in accounts of social problems in urban settings. Dix's mastery becomes particularly obvious in the range of colors of the sky and the hilly landscape. During the Third Reich the landscapes were an antipole to the social climate Dix lived in. Works from these days are a silent protest of an artist whose artistic freedom had been taken away. In this work from 1951 the artist had regained freedom and found his way back to his original expressive style.

Otto Dix
Bodenseelandschaft, 1948.
Olio su tela
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000
€ 50,000 / $ 55,000

( commissione inclusa)