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Jean de Carlscroon Dumont
Nouveau Voyage du Levant, 1694.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 960 / $ 1,056

( commissione inclusa)
Dumont, Jean,
Nouveau voyage du Levant, contenant ce qu'il a vû de plus remarquable en Allemagne, France, Italie, Malthe & Turquie. Den Haag, E. Foulque 1694.

Erste Ausgabe. - "Dumont (1667-1727) left the French army to take service in Germany. The various German campaigns he took part in from the basis of his travels, which he augments with interesting accounts of the customs and life in the countries he visited, in the form of letters. Four of the eight plates illustrate genre scenes in Constantinople: Turkish dancers, Greek dancers, punishment of a harlot, and the audience of the French ambassador, Chateu-Neuf, with the Kaimakam" (Blackmer). - Titel in Rot und Schwarz. - Mit 7 Seiten Buchankündigungen zu Beginn. - Gebräunt. Exlibris. Gutes Exemplar der seltenen Erstausgabe.

EINBAND: Pgt. d. Zt. mit hs. RTitel. 12mo. 12 Bll. (inkl. Titelkupfer), 475 (recte 477) S. - ILLUSTRATIONEN: Mit gest. illustr. Titel und 8 Faltkupfern .

LITERATUR: Blackmer Coll. 514 Anm. - Cox I, 217.

First edition. With engr. illustr. title and 8 folding engr. plates. Contemp. vellum with handwritten title on spine. - Browned. Ex libris. Fine copy of this scarce first edition.

Jean de Carlscroon Dumont
Nouveau Voyage du Levant, 1694.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 960 / $ 1,056

( commissione inclusa)