Asta: 428 / Modern Art del 03/05. dicembre 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 203

Gabriele Münter
Häuser in Murnau, Wohl 1908.
Olio su cartone
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 112,500 / $ 123,750

( commissione inclusa)
Häuser in Murnau. Wohl 1908.
Oil on cardboard.
Verso with estate stamp. Verso partly barely legibly inscribed "Murnau 08.II (..)" and with date "1908" as well as inscribed "L 119" and "L 219". With a label with stamped number "739". 33 x 40.8 cm (12.9 x 16 in).

Accompanied by a written expertise from the Gabriele Münter- and Johannes Eichner-Foundation dated 12 November 2015. The painting will be included into the catalog raisonné of Gabriele Münter's paintings.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Gunzenhauser, Munich (with attached label and a photo confirmation from 27 July, 1977).
Private collection Germany.

LITERATURE: Galerie Gunzenhauser, Munich (inventory catalog no year, p. 49 with color illu.).

It was a common tradition among academy students, as well as among members of private painting schools to leave Munich in order to paint plein-air at the foothills of the Alps. Münter and Kandinsky visited Murnau for the first time from 15 August to 30 September, 1908. Marianne von Werefkin and Alexej von Jawlensky also joined them that summer. Murnau would become Münter's home and one of her most important motifs for decades. Münter depicetd the houses in Murnau in strong abstraction and reduced to their basic architecture. This reduction, however, is contrasted by a choice of bright colors she uses for the surfaces. A strong rose competes with an intensive green, light blue stands side by side with a red brown and a rose madder in front of a lucent yellow sky. The charming landscape of the lower Alps inspired both and his partner, both try to put emotional sensation into art. In her book of memories Münter wrote the following about Murnau: "After a short but agonizing time I made great progress – from imitating nature – more or less impressionistic – to feelin content – to abstraction – to rendering an essence“ (quote after: Gudrun Schury, Ich Weltkind, Gabriele Münter: Biographie, Berlin 2012, p. 94).

Gabriele Münter
Häuser in Murnau, Wohl 1908.
Olio su cartone
€ 80,000 / $ 88,000
€ 112,500 / $ 123,750

( commissione inclusa)