Asta: 422 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 22 maggio 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 269

Pieter Gerardus van Os
Rast nach der Jagd, 1818.
Olio su tela
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500

( commissione inclusa)
Rast nach der Jagd. 1818.
Oil on canvas.
Lower left twice signed and dated. 80 x 98 cm (31.4 x 38.5 in). [CB].

We are grateful to Jeroen Kapelle, RKD - Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis, Den Haag, for his expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Paffrath, Düsseldorf (verso of stretcher with label with gallery stamp.
Private ownership Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: 4th German Art and Antiquity Fair at Haus der Kunst, Munich, 17 - 28 October, 1959 (verso of strethcer with adhesive note with reference to fair).

Pieter Gerardus van Os
Rast nach der Jagd, 1818.
Olio su tela
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500

( commissione inclusa)