Asta: 420 / Post War / Contemporary Art del 06 dicembre 2014 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 852

Georg Baselitz
Fahrradfahrer, 1982.
Linocut in colors
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)
Fahrradfahrer. 1982.
Linocut in colors, partly worked over.
Jahn 436. Signed and dated lower right. One of 4 impressions. On canvas paper, laminated on canvas. 193,5 x 150,5 cm (76,1 x 59,2 in). [KP].

We are grateful to the Büro Georg Baselitz, Munich, for kindly providing us with information.

PROVENANCE: Collection Ackermaier, Berlin.
Privatsammlung Braunschweig.
Galerie Springer & Winkler, Berlin.
Private collection Southern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Georg Baselitz. Opere della collezione Ackermeier - Berlino, Mailand, Galleria del credito Valtellinese "Refettorio delle Stelline", 1991, Kat. Nr. 23 (mit Abb).
Georg Baselitz. Druckgrafphik 1964-1989, Kunstverein Braunschweig, 1997, Kat. Nr. 58 (mit Abb.).
Georg Baselitz. Gravures monumentales, 1977-1999, Musées d`art et d`histoire, Genf 1999, Kat Nr. 48 (mit Abb.).
Georg Baselitz, Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim 2006.

Georg Baselitz
Fahrradfahrer, 1982.
Linocut in colors
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500

( commissione inclusa)