Asta: 420 / Post War / Contemporary Art del 06 dicembre 2014 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 1009

Jonathan Monk
A Painting by Pat Perdue, 2006/07.
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900

( commissione inclusa)
A Painting by Pat Perdue. 2006/07.
Oil and acrylic oncanvas.
Titled and inscribed in image. 152 x 117 cm (59,8 x 46 in). [JS].

PROVENANCE: Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York.
Private collection Belgium.

EXHIBITION: Casey Kaplan Gallery, Some kind of Game Between This and That, 30 March - 5 May, 2007.

British-born artist Jonathan Monk often appropriates ideas, works, and strategies from Conceptualist and Minimalist artists of the '60s and '70s. With photographs, sculpture, film, installation, and performance, his works recontextualize and rework these quotations, often infusing them with Monk's personal history and working-class family background. These aspects add a humanizing and down-to-earth sensibility to the original works' utopian ideals and notions of artistic genius. Monk's extensions and reinterpretations of seminal works by John Baldessari, Ed Ruscha, and Sol LeWitt, among others, challenge authenticity, authorship, and value in art with quirky humor and wit.
Monk’s work has been exhibited extensively throughout the world, including in solo shows at CAC Malagá, W139 in Amsterdam, Artpace in San Antonio, the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, Tramway in Glasgow, Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow, Centre d'Art Contemporain in Neuchatel, Museum Kunst Palast in Dusseldorf, Institute of Contemporary Art in London, and Kunstverein Hannover. Group exhibitions are numerous and include the Taipei Biennial, Berlin Biennale, Venice Biennale, Whitney Biennial, Prague Biennale, and Panama Biennial. In 2012, Monk was honored with the Prix du Quartier des Bains in Geneva.

Jonathan Monk is represented at, among others:
Casey Kaplan Gallery, New York
Meyer Riegger, Berlin/Karlsruhe
Lisson Gallery, London
Galerie Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen
Yvon Lambert, New York/Paris
WCW Gallery, Hamburg
Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv
Daimler Contemporary, Berlin
Arken Museum, Ishoj/Copenhagen
Kunsthaus Zurich
Nomas Foundation, Rome
Collection Haubrok, Berlin

Jonathan Monk
A Painting by Pat Perdue, 2006/07.
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900
€ 9,000 / $ 9,900

( commissione inclusa)