Asta: 410 / Post War/ Contemporary Art del 07 dicembre 2013 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 1120

Gert und Uwe Tobias
Ohne Titel, 2005.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 34,160 / $ 37,576

( commissione inclusa)
Ohne Titel. 2005.
With number on rear of board. One of just 2 copies. On wove paper. 199,5 x 164,5 cm (78,5 x 64,7 in). Sheet: 204,5 x 171 cm (80,5 x 67,3 in).
Recently, works by the twins Gert and Uwe Tobias were shown in a solo show at the London Whitechapel Gallery. [KP].
One of the impressive large woodcuts that Gert and Uwe Tobias join from a number of individual printing blocks. Rare on the German auction market.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Michael Janssen, Berlin.
Gesamtkunstwerk: New Art from Germany, Saatchi Gallery, London, 18 November, 2011 - 15 April, 2012.

The powerfully colorful image world the artists create are mystic, playful, at times disturbing, and often interspersed with folkloristic elements, offering the observer manifold levels of interpretation.
Gert and Uwe Tobias, who were awarded the Cologne-Fine-Art-Preis and the important HAP-Grieshaber-Proize in 2007, have shown their art on international solo shows. Among them at the New York Museum of Modern Art (2007), the Kunstmuseum Bonn (2008) or the Kunstmuseum Ravensburg (2013). Gert and Uwe Tobias live and work in Cologne. [KP].
Gert and Uwe Tobias are represented in, among others:
• Saatchi Gallery, London
• Sammlung Kopp, Munich
• THE HAPPY LION, Los Angeles
• Team Gallery, New York
• Maureen Paley, London
• Michael Janssen, Berlin
• Edition Jacob Samuel, Santa Monica

Gert und Uwe Tobias
Ohne Titel, 2005.
€ 18,000 / $ 19,800
€ 34,160 / $ 37,576

( commissione inclusa)