Asta: 395 / Modern Art / Side lines of the German Avantgarde del 19 ottobre 2012 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 473

Ernst Klinger - Beengtes Rot

Ernst Klinger
Beengtes Rot, 1955.
Olio su tela
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,250 / $ 2,475

( commissione inclusa)
Beengtes Rot. Um 1955.
Oil on canvas.
Signed lower center. With title and number "37" on stretcher. 50 x 90 cm (19,6 x 35,4 in). [KP].

PROVENANCE: From artist's estate.

The work "Beengtes Rot" also originates from Klinger's abstract period, which appeared in the 1950s and can be regarded an independent period in his oeuvre. "With different ways of going beyond the borders to abstraction Klinger tried from an early point on to combine not only objects, colors and forms, but also to find ways to illustrate the interplay of physical forces and motion." (quote after Wolfgang Augustyn, Ernst Klinger 1900-1962, Lindenberg 1997, p. 64). In this painting this formal principle becomes most obvious in the elliptic forms, which, kept in different shades, are both entwined but yet autonomous. [KP].

Ernst Klinger
Beengtes Rot, 1955.
Olio su tela
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,250 / $ 2,475

( commissione inclusa)