Asta: 395 / Modern Art / Side lines of the German Avantgarde del 19 ottobre 2012 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 443

Werner Gilles - 3 Männer am Hafen

Werner Gilles
3 Männer am Hafen, 1940.
Olio su tela
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

( commissione inclusa)
3 Männer am Hafen. Frühe 1940s.
Oil on canvas.
Titled on verso as well as with estate stamp and signature of estate administrator Eberhard Seel. 20,8 x 28,5 cm (8,1 x 11,2 in). [KP].

We are grateful to Dr. Marlis Zilkens, Cologne, for her kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Baden-Württemberg.

The busy and yet idyllic and almost Arcadian harbor scene with its individual motifs is characteristic of the artist’s work: Particularly the naked boy in the right background carrying an amphora on his shoulders appears in many works. The harmony of composition and content – the depicted harbor presumably is on Ischia – once more delivers proof of the fascination for the Mediterranean island that had become the artist’s second home. [KP].

Werner Gilles
3 Männer am Hafen, 1940.
Olio su tela
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

( commissione inclusa)