Asta: 390 / Post War/Contemporary Art del 28 aprile 2012 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 750

Natalia Dumitresco - Fleurs

Natalia Dumitresco
Fleurs, 1971.
Olio su tela
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 8,125 / $ 8,937

( commissione inclusa)
Fleurs. 1971.
Oil on canvas.
Signed lower right. Signed, dated "II-1971", titled and with arrow indicating direction on verso. 73 x 92 cm (28,7 x 36,2 in).

PROVENANCE: Private collection Baden-Württemberg.

EXHIBITION: Galerie Margarete Lauter, Mannheim 1971.

The Romanian native Natalia Dumitresco arrived Paris in 1947, where she was in close contact with the local avant-garde as of 1950, from which the development of her own style benefited strongly. Her works have been shown in Brussels, New York, Cologne, Tokyo and Paris, additionally, it has been acknowledge by numerous awards. For instance, Dumitresco received the prize of the group "Espace" in 1952, the Kandinsky-Prize in 1955, the Carnegie-Prize in 1959 and the 1st prize of the "Salon Internationale de la Femme" in 1969. Both in her oil paintings as well as in her works on paper she transfers landscapes, often impressions gained on journeys, into expressive, linear structures and surfaces that are characterized by a strong illuminating power. Our work also captivates the observer with its methodical-constructive character and harmonic colors. [DB]

Natalia Dumitresco
Fleurs, 1971.
Olio su tela
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 8,125 / $ 8,937

( commissione inclusa)