Asta: 383 / Modern Art del 28 ottobre 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 766

Marianne von Werefkin - Apell vor einer Kanone, Kowno (Litauen)

Marianne von Werefkin
Apell vor einer Kanone, Kowno (Litauen), 1909.
Colored chalk
€ 1,800 / $ 1,980
€ 2,250 / $ 2,475

( commissione inclusa)
Colored chalk and pencil
On creme paper. 8,2 x 13,1 cm (3,2 x 5,1 in), the full sheet
Our sheet is from a sketchbook that Marianne von Werefkin made in the then Russian occupied Lithuania where Werefkin stayed from December to 1909 to Easter 1910 to visit her brother Peter who was governor of Kowno. Many sketches from those days show scenes from the soldier's lives. This sketch shows mustering soldiers in the lower right. In its center several soldiers are busy with a cannon pulled by two horses. [KP].

We are grateful to Dr. Bernd Fäthke, Wiesbaden, for his kind support in cataloging this lot.

Marianne von Werefkin
Apell vor einer Kanone, Kowno (Litauen), 1909.
Colored chalk
€ 1,800 / $ 1,980
€ 2,250 / $ 2,475

( commissione inclusa)