Asta: 383 / Modern Art del 28 ottobre 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 582

Oskar Kokoschka - Die träumenden Knaben

Oskar Kokoschka
Die träumenden Knaben, 1908.
Lithograph in colors
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 16,250 / $ 17,875

( commissione inclusa)
Bok with 8 Lithograph in colors, each with text typographed by the artist. With printed dedication, binding- and title vignette. Published by Kurt Wolff Verlag, Leipzig 1917
Wingler/Welz 22-29. All monogrammed in stone. Pastedown with adhsesive note typographically inscribed by the publisher, there with number 129/275. Measurements of book: 24,3 x 29,5 cm (9,5 x 11,6 in)
Printed by Berger and Chwala, Vienna. This edition from 1917 is, except for the binding, from the remainder of 500 copies from the first edition, published by the Wiener Werkstätten in 1908. Bound in orig. cloth with cord.


Oskar Kokoschka
Die träumenden Knaben, 1908.
Lithograph in colors
€ 8,000 / $ 8,800
€ 16,250 / $ 17,875

( commissione inclusa)