Asta: 377 / Modern Art del 14 maggio 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 440

Otto Pankok - Frauenbildnis

Otto Pankok
Frauenbildnis, 1915.
Disegno al carbone
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500

( commissione inclusa)
Charcoal drawing
Signed lower right. On firm paper. 59,3 x 34,5 cm (23,3 x 13,5 in), the full sheet
In 1914 Pankok 's realistic art reached its first peak: Depictions of people of great seriousness and expression. "This was the beginning of a great year in the tremendous solitude of the small village Dötlingen near Oldenburg, an indulgence in charcoal and paper, a quest for the essence of personhood among poor and suppressed women and peons, which seem to have sprung from the sandy ground, feeding off what they could get from the soil, dying in dirt and tuberculosis, eventually turning into soil again." (Translation of quote after: Otto Pankok, Stern und Blume, Autobiographie, Düsseldorf 1930, p. 10). [DB].

Otto Pankok
Frauenbildnis, 1915.
Disegno al carbone
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,000 / $ 5,500

( commissione inclusa)