Asta: 369 / Post War/ Contemporary Art del 12 giugno 2010 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 240

Gerhard Hoehme - von Abkunft zu Flachfeld

Gerhard Hoehme
von Abkunft zu Flachfeld, 1964.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,490 / $ 6,039

( commissione inclusa)

Assemblage. Paper collage on sewing pattern, acrylic, abrasion letters and various laces. In wooden box under glass
Hoehme 65-30. With inscription "G. Hoehme von Abkunft zu Flachfeld 1964 Schnittmuster 76 x 51,5 cm" on verso. 75,8 x 51,5 x 5,5 cm (29,8 x 20,2 x 2,1 in)

EXHIBITION: Gerhard Hoehme. Fadenläufe, Galerie Hennemann, Bonn 1976.
Gerhard Hoehme. Bilder. "Wenn man nichts sieht, schaut man länger hin", Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf/Kunstverein im Heidelberger Schloss, Ottheinrichsbau, Heidelberg, 1979, no. 62.

LITERATURE: Giulio Carlo Argan/Hans Peter Thurn, Gerhard Hoehme. Werk und Zeit 1948-1983, Stuttgart/Zurich 1983, illu. p. 122.

The early paintings in the style of the Informel was followed by Hoehme’s artistic examination of three-dimensionality as of the 1960s. From that point on Hoehme increasingly developed spatial objects that go beyond the classic canvas, he used, among others, wood, nylon and nylon threads. In 1964 Hoehme discovered sewing patterns for his art, as it is the case with this work that belongs to the series of "Schnittmusterkästen" (Sewing Pattern Boxes). These sheets, which the artist had already become familiar with through his mother‘s sewing works, remembering them as abstract images from his childhood days, were combined and processed with various other types of materials. Hoehme was fascinated by the difference between the representation’s abstraction and the garment‘s reality that lies between the arrangement of lines. [JS].

Gerhard Hoehme
von Abkunft zu Flachfeld, 1964.
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 5,490 / $ 6,039

( commissione inclusa)