Asta: 366 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 17/18. maggio 2010 ad Amburgo Lot 22

Walther Hermann Ryff - Warhafftige, künstliche, gerechte underweisung. 1540

Walther Hermann Ryff
Warhafftige, künstliche, gerechte underweisung. 1540
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 3,960 / $ 4,356

( commissione inclusa)
Ryff, W. H., Warhafftige, künstliche, gerechte underweisung unnd anzeygung, Alle Latwergen, Confect, Conserven, einbeytzungen und einmachungen, von mancherley früchten, blümen, kreütern unnd wurzeln, sampt andern künstlichen und anmütigen Stucken, wie solche in den Apotecken gemacht, unnd in grossem werdt gehalten unnd verkaufft werden .. - Der ander theyl der kleynern Teütschen Apoteck, Confect oder Latwergen büchlins. - 2 works in 1 vol. With 1 fullpage woodcut . Straßburg, B. Beck 1540-42. Contemp. blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards on 3 bands, front board with gilt-tooled vignette (Christ with palm leaf), rear board with gilt-tooled emblem of the Mauerbach Carthusians. With some red edges. Small 4to. 7 unnumb., 98 numb., 6 unnumb. ll., 1 blank leaf; 4 unnumb., 155 numb., 8 unnumb. ll. (lacking last blank).

On I: VD 16, R 4005. - Hein/Schwarz II, 551. - Muller II, 311, 81. - Cf. Durling 4041 and Wellcome 5660 (at the end 5 instead of 6 ll.). - On II: VD 16, R 3918. - Hein/Schwarz II, 551. - Durling 4018. - Muller II, 312, 98. - Ritter Cat. 1852. - First and scarce edition of the early apothecarian handbook. Released together with a third part (1541), the two vols. were released under the title 'Die kleynere Teutsche Apotheck' . - Contains, besides the plague book, the preparation of various electuaries from fruits and instructions on the preparation of wine and spiritual drinks. The fullpage woodcut shows an arteriotomy. - Condition of both works: Slightly browned in places and with few marginalia by an old hand, title of I with marginal cutout (no loss of printed matter) and small signature stamp, last leaf stamped, pastedown with mounting remains. Gilttooling and vignettes almost faded, clasps removed. - Well-preserved copy in a nice binding.

First and scarce editions of this early pharmacy manual. With 1 fullpage woodcut. Contemp. blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards on 3 raised bands and with later red edges, front cover with vignette (Christus with palm frond), back cover with emblem of the carthusian from Mauerbacher. - Here and there slightly browned and with marginalia by old hand, title of first work with marginal cutout and small stamp, last leaf stamped, pastedown with trace of mounting, clasps removed. - Altogehter fine copy in a nice binding.

Walther Hermann Ryff
Warhafftige, künstliche, gerechte underweisung. 1540
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 3,960 / $ 4,356

( commissione inclusa)