Asta: 366 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 17/18. maggio 2010 ad Amburgo Lot 990

Roberto Crippa - D

Roberto Crippa
D'une pierre deux coups 1962
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)
Crippa. - Sauvage, Tr., D'une pierre deux coups. With a series of 10 (7 in colors) signed orig. etchings by R. Crippa. Milan, Schwarz (1962). Illustrated orig. cloth. 4to.

Monod 10182. - 1 of 25 Roman numb. copies for staff members (complete print run 100). - Antologia internazionale dell'incisione contemporanea. I Contemporanei. - Broad-margined print on Fabriano. Each print numbered and signed as well as mounted; printed on the Milan hand press of G. Upiglio. Colophon and serial title in Italian, French and English. Subheading: "pour mieux comprendre Crippa et moi-meme". - Binding slightly soiled, inside clean copy.

Roberto Crippa
D'une pierre deux coups 1962
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 1,320 / $ 1,452

( commissione inclusa)