Asta: 364 / Modern Art del 23 aprile 2010 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 623

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff - Der rosa Krug

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Der rosa Krug, 1965.
Brush and India ink
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 9,760 / $ 10,736

( commissione inclusa)

Brush and India ink and color chalk
Signed lower right. With inscription "6546" in lower right corner. Inscribed "Waldrebenzweig im rosa Krug" on verso and "68/85" in green chalk. On wove paper (with truncated embossing stamp). 70 x 50 cm (27,5 x 19,6 in), the full sheet

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff increasingly painted flower still lifes in the 1960s. He deliberately chose variosu types of flowers and distinguished them by accentuated strokes of the brush, without disregarding the colors' power. Our work is a typical example of his intense examination of this subject. [EH].

Karl Schmidt-Rottluff
Der rosa Krug, 1965.
Brush and India ink
€ 10,000 / $ 11,000
€ 9,760 / $ 10,736

( commissione inclusa)