Asta: 359 / Rare Books including Marine Art del 16/17. novembre 2009 ad Amburgo Lot 307

J. Zwinger - Kräuter-Buch, 1696.

J. Zwinger
Kräuter-Buch, 1696.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,620 / $ 1,782

( commissione inclusa)
Zwinger, Th., Theatrum Botanicum, das ist: Neu Vollkommenes Kräuter-Buch, worinnen allerhand Erdgewächse der Bäumen, Stauden und Kräutern, welche in allen vier Theilen der Welt, sonderlich aber in Europa herfür kommen ... Allen Aertzten, Wund-ärtzten, Apotheckern, Gärtnern, Hausvättern und Hauß-mütern ... höchst nutzlich und ergetzlich ... Anjetzo aber in eine gantz neue ordnung gebracht, auch mehr als umb die Helffte vermehret und verbessert ... With coloured copper title and ca. 1200 woodcuts in the text. Basel and Frankfurt, J. Bertsche for J. Ph. Richter 1696. Contemp. vellum. Folio. 2 (of 6) ll., 995 pp., 26 ll.
VD 17, 3:000174P. - Nissen 1311 (under Mattioli). - Pritzel 10532. - Ferchl p. 599. - Hirsch/Hüb. V, 1057. - First edition of the richly illustrated herbal, a revised edition of the work by Mattioli, executed by Bernhard Verzachius, however, increased by more than twice the original content. - Lacking the engr. folding portrait and 2ll. of the dedication at the beginning. - Slightly browned in places, title copper and typogr. title rebacked, last l. of the register with larger defective corner (loss of printed matter), inner joints broken, endpapers renewed. Binding stained and scraped, front board with larger defective spot.

J. Zwinger
Kräuter-Buch, 1696.
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,620 / $ 1,782

( commissione inclusa)