Asta: 356 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 23 ottobre 2009 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 115

Franz Krüger - Bildnis Johann Gottfried Schadow

Franz Krüger
Bildnis Johann Gottfried Schadow, 1829.
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 10,370 / $ 11,407

( commissione inclusa)

Black chalk, white and yellow heightened
On brown paper. 22,5 x 18,5 cm (8,8 x 7,2 in), the full sheet
Attached: Albrecht Wolff. Portrait Johann Gottfried Schadowaftre a drawing by Franz Krüger. Hermann Brey. Portrait Johann Gottfried Schadow after the painting by Julius Hübner. Friedrich Jentzen. Portrait Johann Gottfried Schadow.
Model of engraving by Albrecht Wolff (around 1812 Berlin - 1835 Berlin).

PROVENANCE: Collection Walther Unus (that is Walther Heinrich 1872 Berlin - 1939 Rome), Berlin.

EXHIBITION: Galerie Wolfgang Werner, Berlin, February- April 1997.

LITERATURE: '.. und abends in Verein' - Johann Gottfried Schadow und der Berlinische Künstler-Verein 1814 - 1840 -, cat. Berlin-Museum, 1983, p. 66, no. 37 illu.

The striking portrait of Johann Gottfried Schadows is a perfect example of Krüger's portrait talent, with its factuality, it is also a typical example of Biedermeier portrait art. [CM]

Franz Krüger
Bildnis Johann Gottfried Schadow, 1829.
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 10,370 / $ 11,407

( commissione inclusa)