Asta: 348 / Rare Books del 17/18. novembre 2008 ad Amburgo Lot 377

Iacobo Bosio - Crux Triumphans, 1617.

Iacobo Bosio
Crux Triumphans, 1617.
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 360 / $ 396

( commissione inclusa)
Bosio, G., Crux triumphans et gloriosa. Libri sex; ad sacrae profanae historiae lucem, et Christianae pietatis augmentum, utilissimis. With illustrated copper title after P. P. Rubens, 1 copper plate and ca. 75 woodcuts in the text as well as large woodcut printer's device at the end. Antwerp, Ex officina Plantiniana, B. and J. Moretos 1617. New vellum. Folio. 6 (of 8) ll., 689 pp., 27 ll. (the last blank).
Funck p. 235, 4. - Graesse I, 500. - Cf. Thorndike VIII, 466 (first Italian edition 1610). - Comprehensice iconographic-historic treatise on the symbolism of the cross ever since its discovery under Constantine I, written by teh secretary of the Knights hospitallers. - Presumably Lacking 2 preliminary ll. (ll. at hand, however lacking lacuna). - Few ll. somewhat waterstained, small isolated brown stains. All in all well-preserved copy.

Iacobo Bosio
Crux Triumphans, 1617.
€ 600 / $ 660
€ 360 / $ 396

( commissione inclusa)