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Janus Jakob Boissard - Emblematum liber. 1593 (49)

Janus Jakob Boissard
Emblematum liber. 1593 (49)
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,440 / $ 1,584

( commissione inclusa)
Boissard, J. J., Emblematum liber. Ipsa emblemata ab auctore delineata: a Th. de Bry sculpta, & nunc recens in lucem edita. With engr. title, 1 full-page text copper and 51 emblematic coppers by Th. de Bry. Frankfurt, no printer 1593. Contemp. mottled calf. 4to. 7 (of 8) non-numb. ll. (incl. title, the last blank), 103 p.
VD 16, B 6457. - BM STC, German Books p. 136. - Adams B 2324. - Landwehr 133. - Praz S 278. - Henke/Schöne p. CLXXX. - Fairfax/Murray I, 84. - "Edition recherchée" (Brunet I, 1067). - First edition printed ingermany. The two previous Metzer editions contain a mere 41 and 42 respectively emblematic coppers. - One of the finest emblem books by the poet and antiquarian from the Lorraine. "These plates are by Th. de Bry, all the designs being of the human figures and not merly inanimate objects, and the backgrounds usually architectural, introducing views of castles, churches etc" (Fairfay/M.). - Lacking l. A III of the preface, with the portrait. - Somewhat stained in places, 1 l. with small rebacked marginal tear, 1 copper somewhat wiped, title leaf somewhat croped close in the side margin and remargined. Binding rubbed and bumped, front board loosened, spine mended in parts.
First edition printed in Germany. With engr. title, 1 engraving (full-page), 51 emblem engravings by Th. de Bry. - Lacking leaf A III with portrait. - Here and there staining, 1 leaf with small marginal tear, 1 engr. wipped, titel cropped close on fore edge (remargined). Binding rubbed and bumped, front cover detached, spine partly repaired.

Janus Jakob Boissard
Emblematum liber. 1593 (49)
€ 1,000 / $ 1,100
€ 1,440 / $ 1,584

( commissione inclusa)