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Manuskripte - Vita Hl. Georg. Äthiop. Pgt.-Manuskript. 19. Jh.

Vita Hl. Georg. Äthiop. Pgt.-Manuskript. 19. Jh., 1820.
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 4,800 / $ 5,280

( commissione inclusa)
Manuskripte. - Biography of Saint George. - Ge'ez manuscript on vellum.Etiopia, first half of 19th century. 159 ll., size of sheet ca. 38 : 28 cm, text area ca. 25 : 22,5 cm, 25 lines, 3 columns. - Written in black ink, heightenings in red. With 41 miniatures in colours on a totla of 7 ll. and 2 borders in colours in the text (so-called Häräg ornaments. Contemp. strong wooden covers with blind-tooled leather covering with a frame structure of slate knife lines and roll borders.
Richly illuminated and large format vellum manuscript with text contributions on Saint George. Comprises: I: Homily of Theodotus of Ankyra about the martyr of Saint Georg. - II: Gädlä Giyorgis (life of Saint Georg of Lydda). - III: Entries from the Synaxarium for the holidays of Saint George and other saints, with closing Salam verses. - IV: 85 miracles of Saint George. - V: Hymns to Saint George. - The contemp. miniatures mainly show scenes from the ölife and martyr os Saint George, also several scenes from the lifes of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. - The colophon at the end mentions the Ethiopian king Sahla Sellase, who was in power from 1813 to 47, thus the manuscript can be dated to the first half of the 19th century. The remitter and owner of the manuscript, Habtä Iyyäsus, is also mentioned, just as the writer Haylu Wäldä Mika'el. - Somewhat thumbed, waterstained in places and marginal traces of damp, colouring of miniatures somewhat rubbed in places. Front board stained and with small defective spots in the covering.
Richly illustrated and large-sized Ethiopic manuscript on vellum, containing texts on the life of Saint George. First half of 19th century. 159 leaves. Sheet size 38 : 27,5 cm , 25 lines, 3 columns. Ge'ez in black and red ink. With 41 miniatures in colours. Contemp. blind-tooled leather over strong wooden boards. - Some fingerstaining, partly water- or dampstain (mostly to the margins), colouring of the miniatures somewhat rubbed in places. Front board stained and with small defects in the cover.

Vita Hl. Georg. Äthiop. Pgt.-Manuskript. 19. Jh., 1820.
€ 3,000 / $ 3,300
€ 4,800 / $ 5,280

( commissione inclusa)