Asta: 309 / Rare Books del 21/22. maggio 2007 ad Amburgo Lot 1262

Alexius Mazochius - Aeneas tabulas. 1754

Alexius Mazochius
Aeneas tabulas. 1754
€ 350 / $ 385
€ 336 / $ 369

( commissione inclusa)
Mazzochi, A. S., Commentariorum in regii herculanensis musei Aeneas tabulas heracleensis pars I (&) II. 2 Bde. in 1. With 2 engr. title-vignettes and 2 engr. text engravings (rep.), 1 text engravings, 10 double-page copper plates (überwieg. gefalt.) and 1 folding engr. map. Neapel, B. Gessari 1754-55. Contemp. half calf with label. Large 4to. 1 l., XIV, 600 pp.
Cicognara 2682. - UCBA II, 1337. - Brunet III, 1561. - 1st edition. - Fine plates on strong paper. Plates show script plates and artefacts, map shows the southern Italy. - Text partly slightly foxed. Bindings damaged.

Alexius Mazochius
Aeneas tabulas. 1754
€ 350 / $ 385
€ 336 / $ 369

( commissione inclusa)