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Letteratura classica

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È interessato all'artista/ agli artisti?

Goethe Johann Wolfgang von

Kant Immanuel

La Fontaine Jean de

Drexel Jeremias

Voltaire Francois Marie Arouet

Schiller Friedrich von

Paul Jean

Kleist Heinrich von

Gessner Salomon

Hoffmann Ernst Theodor Amadeus

Nietzsche Friedrich

Winckelmann Johann Joachim


Horatius Flaccus Quintus

Lessing Gotthold Ephraim

Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm

Fontane Henri Theodor

Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de

Ovidius Naso Publius

Joyce James

Vergilius Maro Publius

Knigge Adolf

Dalí Salvador

Shakespeare William

Wieland Christoph Martin

Choose your auction field:
June / December - Munich
Art of the 19th Century
June / December - Munich
Modern Art
June / December - Munich
Post War
June / December - Munich
Contemporary Art
May / November - Hamburg
Rare Books

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