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È interessato all'artista/ agli artisti?

Hübner Johann

Bayle Pierre

Diderot Denis

Brockhaus Friedrich Arnold

Iselin Jakob Christoph

Meyer Joseph

Thieme Ulrich

Kubin Wolfgang

Herbelot de Molainville Barthélemy de

Jöcher Christian Gottlieb

Train Joseph C. von

Calepinus Ambrosius

Scheller Immanuel Johann Gerhard

Hartmann Carl Fr. Alexander

Callisen Adolf Karl Peter

Zedler Johann Heinrich

Nagler Georg Kaspar

Goldstein Franz

Giorgi Augustin

Lueger Otto

Hederich Benjamin

Eggers Jacob von

DuFresne Carl

Moreri Louis

Nedopil Leopold

Choose your auction field:
June / December - Munich
Art of the 19th Century
June / December - Munich
Modern Art
June / December - Munich
Post War
June / December - Munich
Contemporary Art
May / November - Hamburg
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