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Industria mineraria - Metallurgia

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È interessato all'artista/ agli artisti?

Agricola Gregorius

Jugel Johann Gottfried

Agricola Georg

Schlüter Christophe André

Langsdorff Johann Wilhelm

Schönberg Abraham von

Gatterer Christoph Wilhelm Jakob

Wathner Joseph

Leonhard Karl Cäsar von

Beyer August

Hübner Johann

Mohs Friederich

Brückmann Urban Friedrich Benedict

Pettus John

Gensanne Antoine de

Herttwig Christoph

Borrichius Olaus

Beck Ludwig

Cancrin Franz Ludwig

Biringuccio Vanoccio

Delius Christoph Traugott

Kellner David

Diderot Denis

Vogt Carl

Calvör Henning

Choose your auction field:
June / December - Munich
Art of the 19th Century
June / December - Munich
Modern Art
June / December - Munich
Post War
June / December - Munich
Contemporary Art
May / November - Hamburg
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