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È interessato all'artista/ agli artisti?

Kollwitz Käthe

Menzel Adolph von

Kauffmann Hugo

Braith Anton

Defregger Franz von

Leibl Wilhelm

Liebermann Max

Busch Wilhelm

Zille Heinrich

Tripp Jan Peter

Fußmann Klaus

Zügel Heinrich von

Mönsted Peder (Peder Mørk Mønsted)

Grützner Eduard von

Weinhold Kurt

Behrendt Daniel

Hoguet Charles

Kalckreuth Leopold von

Kallmorgen Friedrich

Sperl Johann

Brauer Arik

Uhde Fritz von

Hofner Johann Baptist

Schikaneder Jakub

Bartlett William Henry

Choose your auction field:
June / December - Munich
Art of the 19th Century
June / December - Munich
Modern Art
June / December - Munich
Post War
June / December - Munich
Contemporary Art
May / November - Hamburg
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