Asta: 383 / Modern Art del 28 ottobre 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 571

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Am Müggelsee, Segelboote

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Am Müggelsee, Segelboote, 1910.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

( commissione inclusa)
Pen and India ink drawing
Signed and titled on verso as well as with estate stamp of the Kunstmuseum Basel (Lugt 1570b) and with registration number "F Dre/Aa 4". On fine wove paper. 10,5 x 21,1 cm (4,1 x 8,3 in), the full sheet. [KH]

LITERATURE: Shown in: Gustav Schiefler, Die Graphik Ernst Ludwig Kirchners, vol I until 1916, Berlin 1924-26, p. 77, there with the title "Segelboote in Grünau".

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Am Müggelsee, Segelboote, 1910.
Pen and India ink drawing
€ 4,000 / $ 4,400
€ 9,375 / $ 10,312

( commissione inclusa)