Asta: 344 / Modern Art del 28 aprile 2009 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 421

Karl Hofer - Figur mit Rad

Karl Hofer
Figur mit Rad, 1953.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 20,400 / $ 22,440

( commissione inclusa)

Figur mit Rad. 1953.
Oil on canvas.
Wohlert 2587. Monogrammed and dated lower right. 100 : 80 cm (39,3 : 31,4 in). In the early 50s Hofer creates a larger number of figure paintings that each have one figure as the subject. The works barely remind of portraits and show the object strongly simplified. The people are in the centre of the image and make for a balance in the composition that excludes any kind of dynamic. The formal aspects prevail and seem to have been the artist's actual objective in this group of works. [KD].

PROVENIENZ: Liesbeth Hofer, artist's widow (estate no. 245) and heirs.
Art shop Gerd Köhrmann, Cologne (with label on stretcher).
Private collection Hesse.
AUSSTELLUNG: Deutscher Künstlerbund 1950. 4th exhibition, Haus des Deutschen Kunsthandwerks Frankfurt/Main 1954, no. 98 (with label on stretcher, there signed and titled by artist).
Wirnitzer estate list no. 53. In artist's orig. frame
Colours in good and fresh impression. Edges insignificantly rubbed due to the framing, stretcher minimally pushing through in places. With minor dents in the lower andleft area of the canvas. With faint vertical scratch in left, there with minimal loss of colours.

Karl Hofer
Figur mit Rad, 1953.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 20,400 / $ 22,440

( commissione inclusa)