Asta: 413 / Old Masters del 24 maggio 2014 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 236

Ludwig Knaus
Die Naschkatze, 1897.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,375 / $ 5,912

( commissione inclusa)
Die Naschkatze. 1897.
Oil on canvas.
Signed and dated upper right. 51 x 39,5 cm (20 x 15,5 in).

PROVENANCE: Private ownership Berlin, around 1949 (according to hand-written catalog raisonné by Else Müller-Knaus, the artist's daughter, manuscript in possession of Museum Wiesbaden).
Galerie Koller, Zurich, auction 41/2, 25 May 1979, lot 5250 (no illu., "Das Leckermaul").
Art shop Erdmut Pluntke, Berlin (cf. catalog Orangerie '85, Deutscher Kunsthandel im Schloß Charlottenburg, Berlin 12 - 29 November, 1985, published by Weltkunst-Verlag Munich 1985, cat. no. 72/1 (p. 165, with color illu., "Bonbonesserin").
Art shop C. Kaupa, Karlsruhe, May 1989 (cf. advertisement with color illu. in: Weltkunst 9, 59th year, 1 May, 1989, p. 1328).
Private collection Southern Germany.

LITERATURE: Die Kunst für Alle, published by Friedrich Pecht, Munich, 15th year. 1899/1900, issue 7 (1 January, 1900), black and white illu. p. 159 ("Näscherin").
Über Land und Meer. Deutsche illustrierte Zeitung, 1910.2 (illu.).
Else Müller-Knaus, Erinnerungen an Ludwig Knaus, Stuttgart 1949 (manuscript written by the artist's daughter with hand-written catalog raisonné, in possession of Museum Wiesbaden). The painting "Naschkatze" is listed as third work for 1897, as well as with ownership entry and indication on a drawing of the same name.

Ludwig Knaus
Die Naschkatze, 1897.
Olio su tela
€ 6,000 / $ 6,600
€ 5,375 / $ 5,912

( commissione inclusa)