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Tristan Tzara
Excursions & visites Dada, 1921.
€ 700 / $ 770
€ 960 / $ 1,056

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Dada. - Tzara, Tristan,
Excursions & visites dada. 1ère visite: Eglise Saint Julien le Pauvre. Jeudi 14 avril a 3 h. Rendez-vous dans le jardin de l'église. Paris 1921.

Einladung zu einer Exkursion der Pariser Dadaisten am 14. April 1921 in der Rue Saint Julien le Pauvre. Unterzeichnet von G. Buffet, L. Aragon, J. Arp, A. Breton, P. Eluard, Th. Fraenkel, J. Hussar, B. Péret, Fr. Picabia, G. Ribemont-Dessaignes, J. Rigault, Ph. Soupault und Tr. Tzara. Auf dem Flugblatt werden bereits weitere visites angekündigt, im Musée du Louvre, Buttes Chaumont, Gare Saint-Lazaire, Mont du Petit Cadenas, Canal de L'Ourcq etc. - "In itself this demonstration, which took place at three o'clock on April 14, almost exclusively under the influence of André Breton, who was keenly sensitive to the outward effect of monuments and localities, proved, more than anything, demoralizing. It consisted of only a few individual, almost improvised acts; one of the 'numbers' perhaps the most successful (which does not mean much), was a tour conducted by Ribemont-Dessaignes, who acted as guide through the church-yard, stopping here and there to read definitions taken at random from a big dictionary. The result was what followed every Dada demonstration: collective nervous depression .." (Motherwell/Karpel). - Aufgrund der Papierqualität etw. gebräunt, mit minimalen, sorgfältig mit Japan restaurieren Randläsuren.

EINBAND: Druck in Schwarz und Blau, auf grün-blau-grauem Papier. Format: 27,6 : 21,8 cm. - ILLUSTRATIONEN: Dada Flugblatt.

LITERATUR: Motherwell/Karpel S. 114ff. (mit Abb.). - Hering/Rathke 253. - Sanouillet 279. - Dok.-Bibl. V, 31.1.

Original Dada leaflet, invitation for a visit in the Paris Saint Julien church on april 14th, 1921. - Slightly brownish, some minimal marginal damages carefully restored with Japon.

Tristan Tzara
Excursions & visites Dada, 1921.
€ 700 / $ 770
€ 960 / $ 1,056

( commissione inclusa)