Asta: 296 / Rare Books del 21/22. novembre 2005 Lot 923

Publius Vergil - Codex antiquissimus

Publius Vergil
Codex antiquissimus
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 512 / $ 563

( commissione inclusa)
Vergilius Maro, P., [Opera]. Codex antiquissimus a Rufio Turcio Aproniano V. C. distinctus et emendatus qui nunc Florentiae in bibliotheca Mediceo-Laurentiana adservatur bono publico.Mit Kupfertitel, 1 gest. Titelvignette, 3 gest. Textvignetten und 1 gest. Prachtinitiale. Florenz, 'Typis Mannianis' 1741.Zeitgenöss. Ldr. mit reicher Goldprägung und GGoldschnitt. Kl.-4to. 1 Bl., XXXV, 459 S.
Updike I, 171 (mit Abb.). - Schweiger II, 1174: Sehr wichtige Ausgabe. - Graesse VII, 341. - Ebert 23709. - Aufwendig, tlw. in Rot und Schwarz gedruckte, typographische Nachbildung des berühmten Codex Mediceus; selten. - "Eine der wichtigsten und verdienstlichsten Bemühungen für den Text des Dichters" (Ebert).
"It is set entirely in old style capitals with a few characters imitating those of an ancient and famous manuscript Virgil in rustic characters, in the Laurentian Library, Florence. The preface exhibits a fairly accurate engraved reproduction of a few lines of the model on which the book was based, and in the text the ingenious introduction of but three specially cut letters gives the general effect of a font of 'rustic' type. Thus the work displays that amazing audacity in arriving at a striking effect, notwithstanding inaccurate details and economy of method, which was typical of Italian printing at that time. Issued at a place and period which appears unfavourable to such a venture, and dedicated to Lovers of the Fine Arts, it also indicates there has always been a public sufficiently sympathetic to encourage such publications." (Updike) - Tlw. schwach wasserrandig und gering fleckig; Einbd. mit Schab- und Feuchtigkeitsspuren.Rare and early attempt of a manuscript reproduction, one of the important Virgile editions. Facsimile of the famous Codex Mediceus. - Engraved title, engr. title vignette, 3 engr. text vignettes and 1 engr. initial. Printed in red and black. Contemp. gilt stamped calf. - Slightly waterstained, binding scraped and stained by damp.

Publius Vergil
Codex antiquissimus
€ 400 / $ 440
€ 512 / $ 563

( commissione inclusa)