Asta: 364 / Modern Art del 23 aprile 2010 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 395

Walter Dexel - Figuration in Weiss auf Schwarz mit 2 roten Quadraten

Walter Dexel
Figuration in Weiss auf Schwarz mit 2 roten Quadraten, 1972.
Silkscreen in colours
€ 1,800 / $ 1,980
€ 1,830 / $ 2,013

( commissione inclusa)

Silkscreen in colors behind plexiglass
Vitt 88. With an adhesive label on the frame covering carrying the stamped signature as well as an inscription by Grete Dexel "gestempelt - Grete Dexel". There typographically numbered 8/10, titled and inscribed. 41,7 x 29,3 cm (16,4 x 11,5 in)
Plexiglass multiple after the reverse glass painting of the same name from 1926 (cf. Wöbkemeier 304). Printed by Edition Hoffmann, Frankfurt a.M. Released by the artist, who had commisssioned the plexiglass multiple, however, he died before its completion. [JS].

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.

Walter Dexel
Figuration in Weiss auf Schwarz mit 2 roten Quadraten, 1972.
Silkscreen in colours
€ 1,800 / $ 1,980
€ 1,830 / $ 2,013

( commissione inclusa)