Asta: 380 / Modern Art del 04 giugno 2011 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 71

Ida Kerkovius - Fensterbild

Ida Kerkovius
Fensterbild, 1963.
Olio su tela
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 21,250 / $ 23,375

( commissione inclusa)
Oil on canvas
Monogrammed and dated lower right. 55 x 70 cm (21,6 x 27,5 in)

We are grateful to Dr. Ursula Reinhardt, Galerie Schurr, Stuttgart, for her kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Galerie Valentien, Stuttgart, Königsbau (with gallery label on stretcher, there with number "34").
Private collection North-Rhine Westphalia.

EXHIBITION: Deutscher Künstlerbund, Stuttgart, 12th exhibition 1963 (with exhibition label on verso).
Ida Kerkovius, Galerie Günther Franke, Munich 1965, cat. no. 24 (with gallery label on stretcher).

The strikingly fresh choice of colors in paintings by Ida Kerkovius is largely due to the influence of Adolf Hoelzel, whereas the rather unconventional arrangement of the image is owed to the artist’s own ingenuity. In her work’s two-dimensionality Ida Kerkovius displays a world of forms and colors that requires sound knowledge of the laws of composition and colors, as well as a great degree of artistic intuition. With her authentic style the artist is far from insisting on special intricacies of interpretation. Her work’s seemingly easy comprehension should be sign enough for the observer to understand there is more to find in her composition than the ostensible. [KD].

Ida Kerkovius
Fensterbild, 1963.
Olio su tela
€ 12,000 / $ 13,200
€ 21,250 / $ 23,375

( commissione inclusa)