Asta: 379 / Rare Books del 23 maggio 2011 ad Amburgo Lot 1224

Allan Kaprow - Kalender: Days off. 1970

Allan Kaprow
Kalender: Days off. 1970
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 204 / $ 224

( commissione inclusa)
Kaprow, A. - Days Off. A Calendar of Happenings by Allan Kaprow. Mit zahlr. fotogr. Abbildungen. New York, The Junior Council of The Museum of Modern Art 1970. Orig.-Kalenderheftung. Folio.

Einzige Ausgabe, selten! - "This is a calendar of past events. The days on it are the days of the Happenings. They were days off. People played. Each day is a page, or more, that can be taken off and thrown away. The Happenings were throw-aways. Once only. Nothing left - except maybe thoughts .. " (Einleitung). - Titelbl. etw. lädiert.

Allan Kaprow
Kalender: Days off. 1970
€ 250 / $ 275
€ 204 / $ 224

( commissione inclusa)