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Manuskripte - Seebach, J. W. von, Beschreib und Handlung einer neu erfundenen Bombarde. 1746

Seebach, J. W. von, Beschreib und Handlung einer neu erfundenen Bombarde. 1746
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 15,600 / $ 17,160

( commissione inclusa)
Seebach, Johann Wilhelm von, Beschreib und Handlung einer neu erfundenen Bombarde der man sich im Kriege bey allen vorkommenden Entreprisen zu Waßer und Lande mit Nutzen und Vortheil gebrauchen kan durch behörige Figuren und beygefügte Erfahrungen deutlich vorgestellet. Deutsche Handschrift auf Papier. Gotha, 22 December 1746 (dedication). Folio (37,5 : 20 cm). Together 121 ll.: Calligraphed title with engr. Renaissance frame, calligraphed dedication sheet, 3 ll. preface, 54 drawings, of which 49 in India ink and 5 in brush (each on one l.), 54 ll. with explanantions (each on opposite page), 3 ll. summary as well as together 6 blank ll. - Contemp. calf with gilt spine, gilt -tooled border and gilt-tooled vignette, gilt edges and pastedowns.

Very well-preserved and richly illustrated manuscript about a new type of firearm, a kind of mobile grenade launcher is introduced. The author Johann Wilhelm von Seebach (1678-1757), major general and artillery colonel of the fortification Gotha, seems to have had connections to the Dutch army, as he had already introduced his invention, according to preface, to its representatives in 1742 and 1746. The dedication in the preface is also addressed to the States-General of the Netherlands, so that the manuscript was presumably made for promotional purposes. With numerous detail illustrations- The summary at the end covers several further details, usage and advantages of the new firearm as well as its importance for armament of larger troops. - Binding somewhat rubbed, joint with small tear, upper spine end mended, else very well-preserved, almost stainless manuscript on stronger paper with lily watermark of Jean Villedary (cf. Churchill 407).

Seebach, J. W. von, Beschreib und Handlung einer neu erfundenen Bombarde. 1746
€ 15,000 / $ 16,500
€ 15,600 / $ 17,160

( commissione inclusa)