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Pierre Belon - Observations de Plusieurs. 1588.

Pierre Belon
Observations de Plusieurs. 1588.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 1,680 / $ 1,848

( commissione inclusa)
Belon, P., Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, trouvees en Grece, Asie, Iudée, Egypte, Arabie, & autres pays estrages. Reveuz de nouveau & augmentez de figures. Mit Holzschnitt-Porträt des Verfassers und 44 (5 ganzseit.) Textholzschnitten sowie 2 Holzschnitt-Druckermarken auf dem Titel und am Ende. Paris, H. de Marnef & G. Cavellat Witwe 1588. Pgt. d. Zt. 4to. 12 Bll., 468 (recte 470) S., 1 Bl.
Index Aurel. 116.333. - BM STC, French Books S. 46. - Adams B 565. - Nissen, Zool. 304. - Tobler 72. - Gay 10. - Dritte Ausgabe (EA 1553). - "The French naturalist spent three years travelling in the Levant, from 1546 to 1549. His journey was inspired by a desire to see the plants and medicinal substances of which he had read, but his travels through Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt and the Holy Land resulted in observations more than merely botanical, in a most remarkable work which discusses the antiquities, custom, and manners of the countries Belon visited, as well as the natural history. His was the most documented account of the Levant which had appeared up to that time in French. Of importance is his description of Cairo after 30 years of Turkish occupation." (Blackmer coll. 115) - Die schönen Holzschnitte zeigen überwiegend Pflanzen und Tiere, ferner 1 Ansicht von Alexandria und 1 Karte vom Vorderen Orient. - Ohne die beiden Tafeln. - Kopfsteg mit schmaler Feuchtigkeitsspur und tlw. mit kl. Wurmspuren, Titel und letztes Bl. mit kl. hinterl. Fehlstelle. Vorsätze erneuert, Deckel etw. geworfen.
Third edition of Belon's "Observations", a result of a three years travelling in the Levant, from 1546 to 1549. "Belon can be considered the originator of comparative anatomy. He was one of the first explorer-naturalists" (DSB). The third part dealing with Turkey only. With 44 (5 fullpage) woodcuts in text and 2 woodcut printer's devices (lacking the 2 plates). Contemp. vellum. - Upper margin with small dampstaining and minor worming; title and last leaf with small defective spot (backed). Endpapers renewed, boards bowed.

Pierre Belon
Observations de Plusieurs. 1588.
€ 500 / $ 550
€ 1,680 / $ 1,848

( commissione inclusa)