Asta: 428 / Modern Art del 03/05. dicembre 2015 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 210

Franz Marc
Bemaltes Eisenkästchen, 1912.
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)
Bemaltes Eisenkästchen. 1912.
Oil on iron casket.
Hoberg 393, Schardt IX-Malereien-2, Lankheit no 917. Illegibly inscribed "B + 19 + 12 + M" on lid. Unique piece. 9.4 x 13.2 x 8.3 cm (3.7 x 5.1 x 3.2 in).

PROVENANCE: Bernhard Koehler, Berlin.
Bernhard Koehler jr., Berlin/Gauting.
Collection Auer, Upper Palatinate.

LITERATURE: Alois J.Schardt, Franz Marc, Berlin 1936, p. 174 IX 2., illu. S 95.
Hermann Bünemann, Franz Marc, Zeichnungen - Aquarelle, 1st edition 1948 and 2nd edition 1952, illus. 42, 43.
Alfred Hentzen 1959, Kunsthandwerkliche Arbeiten der deutschen Expressionisten und ihrer Nachfolger, in: Festschrift für Erich Meyer zum 60. Geburtstag, Hamburg 1959, pp. 311-30, illu. p. 321
Jolanda Nigro Covre, Franz Marc, dal pensiero alla forma, Turin 1971, illu. 37/38
Ex. cat. Berkeley/Forth Worth/ Minneapolis, Franz Marc: 1880-1916, published in connection with the exhibition: Franz Marc: Pioneer of Spiritual Abstraction, University Art Museum, Berkeley, 5 December, 1979 - 3 February, 1980 and other places. Published by Mark Rosenthal et al, 1979/89 illu. on p. 20
Mark Rosenthal, Franz Marc, Munich 1989, illu.11.

Franz Marc
Bemaltes Eisenkästchen, 1912.
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 22,500 / $ 24,750

( commissione inclusa)