Asta: 342 / Modern Art / Sideways del 03 dicembre 2008 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 287

Lyonel Feininger - Ohne Titel (Ship at the Sea, Ships and Iceberg)

Lyonel Feininger
Ohne Titel (Ship at the Sea, Ships and Iceberg), 1946.
Pen and India ink
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500
€ 43,920 / $ 48,312

( commissione inclusa)

Ohne Titel (Ship at the Sea, Ships and Iceberg). 1946.
Watercoloured Pen and India ink and charcoal drawing, double-sided.
Signed lower left, dated "" lower right. Once more signed lower left and dated "June. 1946" lower right on the reverse. On cream paper. 20,3 : 29,2 cm (7,9 : 11,4 in), size of sheet. The sea and coastal landscapes occupy, along with architecture, a particular place in this artist’s œuvre. As is the case with his architecture, structures are anticipated in the marine pieces which Feininger reduced to the simple geometric forms inherent in them. [HL]
EXPERTISE: This work is accompanied by a photo-expertise each for the front and the backside signed by Achim Moeller, New York, and dated 23 July 2008. Both motifs are recorded at the Lyonel Feininger Archive of drawings and watercolours

Sheet painted on both sides
In very good condition.

Lyonel Feininger
Ohne Titel (Ship at the Sea, Ships and Iceberg), 1946.
Pen and India ink
€ 35,000 / $ 38,500
€ 43,920 / $ 48,312

( commissione inclusa)