Asta: 546 / 19th Century Art del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 361

Franz von Stuck
Monna Vanna, 1922.
Bronze with black brown patina, partly gilt bronze
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)
Monna Vanna. 1922.
Bronze with black brown patina, partly gilt bronze.
Titled "Monna Vanna" on the front of the plinth as well as with the signature "Franz von Stuck". With the foundry mark "C. Leyrer München" on the reverse. Inside the base inscribed "M" with white chalks. 54 x 17.5 x 9 cm (21.2 x 6.8 x 3.5 in).

• Rare gilt bronze copy.
• In the concentration of forms and the reduction of movement, Stuck breaks new ground in bronze sculpture, pointing in the direction of Art Deco.
• Stuck unites his artistic sources of inspiration in the figure of Monna Vanna, a literary heroine of Renaissance and Symbolism, in a unique way

PROVENANCE: Private collection Saarland (acquired before 1994).

LITERATURE: (Selection, each a different copy)
Franz von Stuck. Maler-Graphiker-Bildhauer-Architekt, ex. cat. Museum Villa Stuck, Munich 1982, p. 188.
Franz von Stuck. Pathos & Eros, ex. cat. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 1995, p. 92, cat. no. 60.
Claudia Gross-Roath, Das Frauenbild bei Franz von Stuck, Weimar 1999, p. 275.
Thomas Raff, "Die Kraft des Mannes und die weiche Schmiegsamkeit des Weibes": Franz von Stuck: Das plastische Werk, ex. cat. Franz von Stuck Geburtshaus Tettenweis 2011, pp. 104-105.
Schönheit-Stärke-Leidenschaft. Die Plastiken Franz von Stucks in den historischen Räumen neu präsentiert, Begleitheft zur Ausstellung Villa Stuck München, Margot Th. Brandhuber, Munich 2020, p. 8.

In addition to mythological figures such as Helen, Phryne or the Amazon, in the present work Franz Stuck takes on another literary female figure with a story that revolves around love and seduction. Monna Vanna - old Italian dialect for Madonna Giovanna - is the wife of Prince Guido Colonna of Pisa, which was besieged by the Florentines and their condottiere Prinzivalli in the 15th century . In order to save the city, she fulfills his condition and enters the enemy’s camp naked wearing only a coat and shoes. The condottiere, however, has other intentions, as she is his childhood sweetheart. The dramatic climax of the story, when she is about to take off her coat and give herself up, is resolved when the condottiere prevents her from doing so and both spend the night in intimate conversation. Thus Monna Vanna, like the biblical Judith, whom Stuck also included in his repertoire of motifs, is transformed into a heroine who conquers the man through her beauty and sensuality. The drama by the Belgian symbolist poet Maurice Maeterlinck premiered to great acclaim throughout Europe in 1902, in Germany at the Schauspielhaus in Munich (today the Kammerspiele), starring Eleonora Duse. An opera adaptation followed in 1909, and several films were also made, including one shot in Munich with the well-known Munich actress Lee Parry (Mathilde Benz) as Monna Vanna in 1922. Stuck gives the character a Renaissance hairstyle, the kind that Giovanna Tornabuoni has in the late 15th century paintings by Domenico Ghirlandaio at the end of the 15th century. Stuck also painted her as a Florentine in the portrait of Olga Lindpainter as early as in 1901. Along with antiquity, Renaissance and its great painters served Stuck as main source of inspiration. The wide coat, pleated at the back, also refers to Renaissance clothing, but its ankle length to the fashion of the 1920s. Stuck chooses the central moment of unveiling, which the viewer awaits with anticipation, in which Monna Vanna lets the coat slide off her shoulders in an elegant movement. The symmetrical structure of the figure with the elongated body, enveloped in the coat, appears more compact and concentrated than, for example, the "Dancers" that were created in the previous century. The moving forms of Art Nouveau have since evolved into geometric, less expansive forms. Calm and static, suggesting a forward stride with only a slightly raised leg, Stuck focused on subtle movement and the balance of voluminous forms. Designed for a hieratic frontal view, his later sculptures thus have a relief-like appearance and suggest a placement close to the wall, as Stuck placed them in niches or on mantelpieces at his own villa. As a sculpture, Monna Vanna became an elegant ornament at Bohemian salons. [KT]

Franz von Stuck
Monna Vanna, 1922.
Bronze with black brown patina, partly gilt bronze
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 38,100 / $ 41,910

( commissione inclusa)